- MISS.MOE is an open (and free) training platform geared towards K-12 & college educators and school staff.
- Teachers, trainers, and presenters can upload their professional development (PD) materials and presentations as online “Courses” on the platform to share them with other teachers and school staff.
- Trainers can also issue verifiable digital badges (Open Badges) to others on the platform who successfully complete their in-person training or online PD modules.
- All earned badges are publicly displayed on each user’s profile page in the Community section of the website.
- Badges can also be imported into Badgr Backpack, which allows them to be pushed out to other platforms (like LinkedIn).
- Trainers and presenters are more easily able to track the success of their PD by seeing how many have attempted and successfully completed their training programs; how many have earned badges and which badges they have earned; and which parts of their training programs users tended to struggle with versus which ones they most enjoyed.
- This allows trainers to make changes to their presentations, as needed, and also allows for more targeted support interventions for struggling trainees (i.e., teachers and school staff).
- MISS.MOE is also home to an interactive, nationwide PLC of educators and school staff where users can network and offer peer guidance and support. Come say hi!